Holy Cross' Parent Teacher Association (PTA) aims to foster cordial and friendly relation between the members of the staff and the parents of the students so that there may be better understanding and cooperation between home and school. all parents are expected to join the Association.
The current PTA Executive Body members are:
MANAGER: Sr. Adelia Vaz
HEADMISTRESS: Sr. Julie Rodrigues
CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Stephen Fernandes
VICE-CHAIRPERSON: Mrs. Amelia Rodrigues
TREASURER: Mrs. Veronica Fernandes
(a) Mr. Rama Govekar
(b) Mrs. Rita Farias
(a) Sr. Shanti Dcosta
(b) Tr. Sonali Chodankar
(c) Tr. Susanne Trindade
(d) Tr. Eufemia Fernandes (SECRETARY)
(e) Tr. Dylan Fernandes (JOINT SECRETARY)