Holy Cross Ex-Students' Association helps keep fresh one's love for the School. It also provides opportunities for interaction. The Association was formed in 1990 with the collective efforts of the School authorities, Teachers and Students. It was revived on 14th April 2021 and named LUMINARIES.
The OBJECTS of the Association are:
* To assist in the promotion of a sense of community which can be supported through a vibrant network of past pupils.
* To conduct such work as for the betterment of the Association and the Students.
* To organize discussion and seminars to promote knowledge and understanding among the Students.
* To uplift and help the deserving and eligible Students, in order to promote education standards among the Students.
* To initiate, promote, manage and administer such welfare schemes and activities as necessary for the betterment of the Students and the Association as a whole.
The Constitution
Core Commitee
For Luminaries

For Non-Members